
    0.1 Introduction

    If you have been sad and need to earn a living from what you hate and what you cannot control you may think it is weird but the reality is that people are already doing what and everything you think is impossible and they are already finding fulfillment in life and you might have to ask why not me? I believed that after you have read this article you would rush towards making people happy and you would find what God placed in your heart to become in life.

    0.2 Why people are unhappy

    The people you met are not happy because they didn’t find the reason to be happy and smile.

    People are not satisfied with life.

    What people are expecting is not there and they are not fulfilled in life.

    People need hope for each living day.

    Everything seems to fail even the country they lived in.

    0.3 Who are comedians

    Comedy is a universal form of expression and a major dramatic genre that is intended to amuse. Comedy is associated with humorous behavior, wordplay, pleasurable feeling, release of tension, and laughter. Imbued with a playful spirit, comic entertainment frequently exposes incongruous, ridiculous, or grotesque aspects of human nature. It generally follows a fixed pattern of theatrical surprises that leads to a sense of exhilaration in the spectator. Of all dramatic genres, comedy is the most widely performed. Several types of comedy differ from traditional comedy, which must end happily. Farce, for example, seeks to deflate pretension and hypocrisy. It uses broad physical means, such as slapstick humor or clowning, and emphasizes improbable circumstances over character development. Satire, another popular form of humor, primarily utilizes stinging ridicule and exaggeration to criticize or condemn humankind's foibles and faults. While farce and satire often produce laughter, their dramatic outcomes on stage can vary considerably. Comic plays, on the other hand, typically end suddenly with all characters receiving their proper rewards and connected to their appropriate mates or partners. 

    1.3-1 comedians in Nigeria

    If you are in Nigeria, you would have met some of the comedians in Nigeria and how good they were doing their works. This industry expanded when people wants to watch and attend a night of thousand laugh. I was among the people who seem to fall victim of such videos. I have many comedians but one I could talk to you about is Basketmouth, you know Nkem Owoh and other. I pray you would do the research yourself and see that this people are not super rich but they are okay and living life to the full. You are here to change the situation and make things happen in the laughter industry.

    0.4 How you can become a comedian

    You need a role model to learn his or her pattern.

    Try and always make people laugh naturally without insulting any one and if they can want you around then you may be set for the laughter job.

    Watch nights of a thousand or million, laughter and download a lot of jokes and learn how.

    Create opportunities so you can practice and grow.

    Follow a comedian to occasion and learn.

    Start from your home, your office and in the church.

    If you have an android phone you can post yourself on whatsapp group, Instagram and social Medias performing some of your best jokes.

    You may be surprised to meet millions of people subscribing to your jokes on social media and what happens is that you become a celebrity. 

    Form a group of four people who will be your manager, your acting partners and produce ten minutes jokes and post on youtube, and other social media. Don’t post on all social media, post on one and be constant with it. 

    1.5 perfecting your work as a comedian

    1.6 What you must never do as a comedian

    1. You must avoid that your jokes should talk of sex and women activities because they spoil business except you are trying to teach the world some thing special. 

    2. You must not make jokes that are personal to any person or people. 

    3. You must not make jokes that insult any one or any groups if you are not ready to defend it.

    4. Avoid jokes that talks about women part and lifestyle if you are not good at it. The whole country is filled with jokes to make, a senator that marries a twelve year girl, a governor who wants to escape from Anambra state four hours after he has handed over to the new governor, the wonderful slaps that the wicked and mean woman gave out which you can call healing slaps. Comedy is when you define the slap as a healing balm to a woman who would not mind her business and asked why the wife of your leader would not be in the occasion invited or not.

    1.7 how to make millions from making people happy

    You can make a million or millions from what you loved doing.

    1. Pray for company ambassadorship.

    2. Get signed to speak in occasions

    3. Get your own shows.

    4. Become an actor.

    5. Create happiness films and products.

    6. Be accepted for adverts.

    7. Create a studio for creating your DVD three hours jokes package and sell to the people.

    1.8 opportunities from making people smile

    Pray and let opportunities to excel multiply because a governor can make you special adviser to the government on entertainment and culture. You can become a government official because when ever the president hears your jokes he is filled with joy to work better.

    1.9 conclusions

    Now, that you have what it takes to be and make people happy, I don’t see anything stopping you from working had to see that you are soon a comedian in Nigeria and the whole world. I see a person in you who will give it a try and you will be known more than the vice president of your country though you may not be richer than your president. You will find the reason to make people happier and live a good life even to the end. 

    DR. O. C. VITUS is the founder of JLC MEDIA, a printing and publishing company in Nigeria. He writes at www.inc.com.ng and he can be consulted for business, life and educational issues. He has a doctorate degree from Strong and Exploits Bible College and Theological Seminary, Ghana. He is ban author, friend and evangelist.

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