

    (I Am On Assignment, I Am Writing A Series Of One Educational Topic That Leads To The Other. I Have Written About Jobs For Jobless Nigerians, Educational Implications For Animal Husbandry, So, I Will Write One Article Every Week To So How, Jobs For Jobless Nigerians Affect Every One In The Country Of Nigeria Including The President. So, I Am Trying To Cover Every Aspect Of Activities That Is Being Done In This Country Down To Those Wheel Barrow Pushers. As An Educational Consultant I Was Fascinated With The Entrepreneurship Education Though I Studied Educational Administration And Planning.)


    It is only in Nigeria, that the Police are an instrument of Politics. In this the fundamental Nigerian rights for every Nigerians is well advertised at every election campaign. Protecting Nigerian citizens is a right and that is why, the country is not winning the war against crime and to which educationist has been invited to instill in the hearts of all Nigerians through education.  According to governments of the states of the federation, it is a good thing that once in a while, the Police will receive ten hillux or Toyota bus as a gift from the government. It is a pity that all the countries of the world no longer decide how a police buys their cars or their buses because the country car production section was either part of the police system or is partly owned by the police. How many times should the troop make drops so that the Police can go to work for the day? Education has been the tool that prepares those who would be engineers and those who would go to the Police world. It is not education that prepares those who would be criminal, arm robbers, fraudsters, bad politicians, bad managers and bad government. From observation, those who want SARS to be closed or disbanded are those who thought that this sets of Police were mad simply to kill and destroy the lives of people. The author believes it too till education for job provision caused him to think twice. Another educationist complained that when you called a police it is what you have, if he or she comes to you, it is what you kept. So the Police man or woman is made of people whose activities is to take and keep taking even when it is not right to do so. This is what Education has come to correct to make every one giver and also partakers of protection education in Nigeria. Every sector of the economy is built and harnessed by the education that the personnel in the department are given by their teachers. No, teachers has for one day spent days or even a minute teaching politicians how to save Nigerian money in foreign bank. No teacher has taught policemen or women how to take bribe or kill innocent citizens. Education was built to change situations for the good. This little paper would not have been written if not to find ways through the position of the police can use education as a tool to set things aright between them and the citizens thereby reducing the risk encountered by those jobless Nigerians and making them job providers and givers through education.


    Education, Wastage, Educational Wastage, Jobs, Police, Nigerians, Jobless, Jobless Nigerians, Police System, Education For Jobless Nigerians, Positioning The Police For Jobless Nigerians. Police Entrepreneurship Training Center, Police Youth Training Center


    The case of disbanding of SARS or what ever Nigerians called it is the topic of citizens who believed that the set of Nigerians enjoy the death of their loved ones. There is countless case of people who complained that their children were returning home and met the police who arrested them for no reason. Some complained that their children went to the office and did not come back home safely for the crime that they did not know about. Some complain that their children who were in Lagos came back only to be arrested by the police and when they could not provide the amount of money, these set of men requested. They are right or wrong and that is why they were calling for the end of the program that caused them pain and sorrow.

    Education is the tool that prepares every person in the country of Nigeria to live and succeed through repetition of the good things that existed in the country for the betterment of those in the country of Nigeria and those of the outside world. Education is the language of science, the language of arts and all the subjects that is taught in the school. Education and reformation goes hand in hand. Education for reformation helps individuals to make and change their lives for better.

    Education was not to different from the type that ordinary people take in the school to the type that citizens take in the school only that their training involves the use of guns and other safety equipments that is needed in keeping the nation safe.


    Education, system of formal teaching and learning as conducted through schools and other institutions. Levels of education in modern societies can go from preschools to colleges and universities.

    Elementary Education, earliest program of education for children, beginning generally at the age of five or six and lasting from six to eight years. In most countries elementary education is compulsory for all children. In much of the United States a year of kindergarten often precedes the first grade of the 8-year elementary course

    Secondary Education, program of public education immediately following elementary schooling. It begins generally at the age of 12 to 14 and continues from four to six years. Some types of secondary education, such as vocational schooling, are terminal and prepare the student for employment upon graduation. Others lead to advanced training in colleges, universities, or technical schools. In the U.S., secondary education includes the junior and senior high schools. In many foreign countries, this level of education often embraces the junior or community college as well as the first two years of university training.

    Higher Education, period of advanced study following the completion of secondary education. The duration of the study may be from four to seven years or more, depending upon the nature and complexity of the programs pursued. The institution providing higher education may be either a college or university or a type of professional school. A junior or community college, such as those maintained by some state systems of higher education, offers a 2-year program of general education and/or technical training that serves either as terminal schooling or as preparation for more specialized study in a 4-year college or university. When the basic course of study is successfully completed, usually at the end of four years, the graduate receives a bachelor's degree. He or she may continue for a master's degree, generally requiring an additional year or two, and then for a doctorate, which normally requires the candidate to submit a dissertation and to complete a minimum of two or three years of further studies

    Learning, acquiring knowledge or developing the ability to perform new behaviors. It is common to think of learning as something that takes place in school, but much of human learning occurs outside the classroom, and people continue to learn throughout their lives. Even before they enter school, young children learn to walk, to talk, and to use their hands to manipulate toys, food, and other objects. They use all of their senses to learn about the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells in their environments. They learn how to interact with their parents, siblings, friends, and other people important to their world. When they enter school, children learn basic academic subjects such as reading, writing, and mathematics. They also continue to learn a great deal outside the classroom. They learn which behaviors are likely to be rewarded and which are likely to be punished. They learn social skills for interacting with other children. After they finish school, people must learn to adapt to the many major changes that affect their lives, such as getting married, raising children, and finding and keeping a job.


    Waste is a desolate, devastated, and striped, empty, hence dreary, dismal, gloomy, cheerless, lying unused, valueless, refuse, rejected as waste land, waste paper. It is also to bring rain, to devastate, to destroy, to wear away by degrees, to impair gradually, to diminish by constant loss, to use up, to spend and to wear out. It also means to spend unnecessarily or carelessly, to employ prodigally, and to expand without valuable result, to apply to useless purposes, to lavish vainly, to squander, and to cause to be lost, to destroy by scattering or injury. Material used as unworthy or unwanted. It can mean the trait of destroyed resources, (Oscar, 2001).


    Any student who receives education at any stage is expected to complete the education within the prescribed period. If the student withdraws from the course before completion, it results to educational wastage. So, educational wastage is the premature withdrawal of students from school. Hence, the most popular use of the word ‘wastage’ in education means the wastage of time, effort, and money (Duze, 2003).

    Educational wastage manifested itself in the nation’s failure to provide universal education for all, recruit students into the system, in the failure of the system to set appropriate objectives. According to Henderson, & Mapp, (2002) educational wastage occur when there is a decrease, loss, deteriorated, damage, out of date, reduced, withdrawn, unusable, throw away, extermination, and extinction, decay of useable things or activities. Educational wastage types are repetition, drop outs and attrition. A school wasted learner is a learner who failed a given course and had to stay an extra year to learn it, while a school dropout is the learner who prematurely withdraws from school. Secondary education is the stage of learning that starts after primary stage of learning had ended.

    Educational Wastage has brought many negative effects on public secondary schools in Anambra State and its environment. Derico Nwamama, Chiejina, Ototido, Akpaka and others are some of the notorious criminals, who are products of educational wastage in Onitsha as they opted out of public secondary school and were killed by Bakassi Vigilante Group. Emmanuel (2002) stated that while male school wastage in Anambra State has reached an alarming stage, banditry, prostitution became the order of the day. It also produced unemployed, uncreative youths, who will end up in crime and in death. Some people therefore least preferred to train children at home.



    Police, agency of a community or government that is responsible for maintaining public order and preventing and detecting crime. The basic police mission—preserving order by enforcing rules of conduct or laws—was the same in ancient societies as it is in sophisticated urban environments.



    There are so many Nigerians who are working hard and have done everything they could to get a job but they couldn’t get the needed job. There are graduates who are doing a job that is meant for the illiterate. There are those in the handy work who are richer and more accomplished than those who had a doctorate degree. Some in the country of Nigeria are doing their masters degree in the university of Nigeria, who are class teachers who earns less than a graduate but with hope that they will get a better job.


    More and more everyday is on the increase of youths who has graduated from the universities of the country who had graduated and had gone to the youth service who came back without a job. What are the graduates who seem unaccounted who finished from the school on part time that didn’t go the youth service because they has been discharged because they are more than thirty of age. So, every year, Nigeria is a country that produces more than a hundred thousand jobless graduates who will roam the streets with their envelope looking for jobs every where.



    System, any collection of component elements that work together to perform a task. In computer science, system is used in a variety of contexts. A computer is a hardware system consisting of a microprocessor and allied chips and circuitry, plus an input device (keyboard, mouse, disk drive), an output device (monitor, disk drive), and any peripheral devices (printer, modem). Within this hardware system is an operating system, often called system software, which is an essential set of programs that manage hardware and data files and work with application programs. External to the computer, system also refers to any collection or combination of programs, procedures, data, and equipment utilized in processing information: an accounting system, a billing system, a database management system.


    The police system is all the collected efforts that has been joined together to produce the given task of protecting the people of Nigeria. There are various departments in the police. These departments has one aim to unite the Nigerian police all the way to fulfilling their task in the land, water, and abroad. The police in Nigeria have the sole right of protecting the citizens of Nigeria. This system is more effective to all the corners of the country. The police system of Nigeria may be different to all other countries. Education of trial and error and repetition produces the perfect system to which the police system was run in Nigeria. This system was accepted for the training of new recruited policemen in the country to which Police Education was born.


    This education for jobless Nigerians involves this and more:

    1. Education for jobless Nigerians is the education that reduces the rate of unemployment in Nigeria.

    2. This education makes job seekers create more jobs to help jobless Nigerians.

    3. This education puts into the minds of the people the needs to solve the jobless situations of the youths in Nigeria. 

    4. This education creates research to knowing the population of jobless graduates and undergraduates in Nigeria.

    5. This education perfects the definition of education as the training of business creation.

    6. The definition of education as creativity and management agent is fulfilled in the study of jobs for jobless Nigerians.

    7. This will make the country of Nigeria realize there is need to fund new creativity that leads to business creation and reduction of jobless Nigerians.


    The police is not happy over the death of our children who is to die as a result of crime. They don’t find it joyful over the death of our loved ones. They are at work over the youths who would not want to take part in the useful programs that is aimed at changing lives of the jobless Nigerian to which they have worked hard to elect. It is a crime for a youth to just die without a reason and the reason becomes that the youth do not want to learn from the available opportunity given to him or to her and so, want to end up in crime. So, the Police are positioned to position the youths to start the dream and make things happen. 

    1. This positioning proves that the police is not only here to receive but also give.

    2. The police hates the death of our children

    3. The police hate4s getting promotion for the death of our children

    4. The police wants our children to be useful

    5. The police wants to receive awards for the death of only youths who has the opportunity to work but still lives the life of crime

    6. For this, they are willing to ask meaningful Nigerians to set up the police entrepreneurship training center in every state and soon in every local government.

    7. Years and activity will then determine the promotion of every police in Nigeria.

    8. This education will prove that the police is not only your friend, they are youths guide and counselor not their destruction.


    1. This center shall begin in a flat and with cooking and graphic and photography training.

    2. And then with the help of the citizens of the state raise it to a two decking building and then keep growing.

    3. The training is completely free.

    4. If the training will take two million to set off and launch out. I believe that talking to a hundred rich men will start it. The ten thousand and more police can donate hundred naira to start the academy and set the love for the jobless youths of Nigerians. And if the office l9ikes they can keep keeping a hundred naira each month and keep the office to another level. (this is an entrepreneur plan and decision for success. The duty of an educationist who the office will see as the work of a man with no ambition)

    5. This work of education will go on like this till the government intervenes. 


    The need to be givers and not just takers has given the opportunity for the police department of entrepreneurship to be created. Though, it is existing but the restarting fully of the programs is of ultimate example. Between the people who died as a result of crime and the police the people whose loved ones went in the hands of the police were claiming SARS should be disbanded thought that the police enjoys the death of their loved ones. Some believed that in other for them to get some or useful or useless rank, which this center will clean out through education.


    This academy shall exist in every state and if possible in every local government. This is our own way of giving to the public who desire to start out something in life. The Police want to give life to the youths and to the jobless Nigerians who wants to live their lives out of crime, jail and death. The small business academy will function to train youths in handworks and in business management.


    The small business academy is a means of giving back to the society.  and to the jobless youths in Nigeria who which to live a better life and live a life out of crime. 


    In concluding this little article of mine, to which I have versions of it, I recommend that in other to allow the heart of the people to heal who wants the end of SARS the program will be set up, and it will be the center where be the police can reach out and give motivational talk to this jobless youths every morning. They can soon find out that police men can be evangelists, career and business counselors, engineers, business creators and every good thing that can come in to the hearts of every one in the country. 



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