
  • Empowered words

    By Okechukwu chidoluo vitus 

    Born 1985, M, from On

    I woke up with expectations that the day will produce all the joys that I have ever had, yet, I remained where I was sitting and I said a little prayer. It is good to be free and pleased to God the maker of our lives. It is indeed a day I was not expecting. I prayed as I have not prayed. Then I see my self going to take my bath. What do I do every morning? I would check my diary to see if what and what appointments I had will make me better. I would go through it with joy and if I did, I would follow it where it leads. I will put my hands on the paper and prayed. "God give me a good day. Make my commitments a blessing. Amen." And I will joyfully walk to the bathroom and take my bath.

    Thursday, the fourth of April 2019, seem special to me and will remain special to me. It seems to me, a day packaged by God. It is a day, that God helped me to meet with the team that Fidelity Bank gathered to make my life better and more better. I worked hard. I didn't stop working hard. I had been told that I shall be going to the stockbrokers office to apply for grants and I didn't know what to do.

    I kept to faith, that the prayers that I did the night would produce a result that I needed to live my life. So, I initially prepared I was going to the church to finish my prayers and get more anointing. I had faith that all will be well. I walked the walk. I paid the price. I realized the truth. I was told the Pryers could not hold. I could not know why. I could not understand it. I could not believe it. I was told the person holding our applications are still on the way coming. I asked further that I desire to know why he would not come to no reason outcomes. I asked to be taken to the place so I could fill the form and I am asked to go to De Lumen Suites, a place where I do meet the men and women who will change my life for the good of it.

    So, I wore my cloths and I started on my way to the place where my life will change for good. I used to pass Omeagana to Modebe and then to ugwuta Road. I didn't know that Fidelity Bank, has really learnt to keep their words. They did it well and people were glad. They made sure that small business didn't die out. This is their way of telling all the account owners they design and desire their business growth.

    From what had happened in the church the following weeks, I was adamant about going. I didn't know the place. I worked hard to be told. I was actually told. I got the message from sister and went immediately to the place. On my way, I went to see a young man. I was not satisfied with the response I got from him. He made me sad.

    I didn't tell us that every morning that I write. I loved writing and write with my heart. I did write. I did pray.. While writing... I wrote twenty short poems and rejoicing that one day, my God will reward my good works. I never forget, that I have registered a business name that seem impossible to work or make ends with. I am certain that others are making ends with it. I can see the good that comes from doing the business is from what people say. I knew that people are making it with the the company and I was always praying and asking God, why the delay. I know chika jerry, the authority author, he is now a know governor aspirant in the state. I loved him for good. When you lacked the needed ideas, and didn't find the right people it always seem as if you are lost. I am not lost. I have got Jesus. I have the church. And I seem to be alone.

    So, I was going to ask Fidelity Bank to come to my aid. I didn't know I was not only going to be blessed. I will meet the people who will change my life for good. The bank has done that in the past. And it won't be the first, they are changing the lives of people. So I started out with the faith that my life will change and change for the good.

    I passed where they sold water, and I started dreaming. I dreamt with hope that life will be good for me, only if start joining my fellow water distribution in water selling. The money that is needed to start the business is not too much. I prayed that some body would give me an old bus so I could start out and make success in life. I have been praying to keep running my newspaper called the career day, and soon it will be called Dr.vitus. I am on my way to getting my doctorate degree. I know I will be blessed by it.

    The journey took me to many important places, like the ENUGU Electricity Distribution Company. I didn't enter the place. I walked around it with joy. Why the notable company was privatised I could not tell. Just as the water corporation, I could not tell why the company died a natural death. When I look back, to the happening I was about to ask the military to come back to take the seat of government again and rule. Yet, the koboko and the shining shoe seems terrible. I walk up till I approached the stock exchange building. I remembered I had a call.

    The call was from a girlfriend. She had been good to me. She was a friend in some season. I dare not tell her that. I don't care. God may not approve of such a relationship. Yet, I was the one who got myself into it. I have been praying for the ones that I loved and the ones that I hated. And the ones that I didn't know about. So, I had a call, and she said to me, finally, I have gotten a shop. I know what we did when we got the house. We walked erywhere until, we found the place, until I was able to take the property to her house for her. God proved to be God and good. I accepted I would ho to her, in due time.

    After so much questions, I arrived at the hotel. It was a beautiful one. The gossips of the day would not stop me. It would not make me do things that makes me or people or God sad. So as I entered the place, the hall was empty except for the bank people and a few people and I took my sit. Immediately, I sat down two young ladies sat too. They were happy or they seem happy yo be part of the team. The team with the good people in it.

    I was given papers to work and a pen and writing material which I branded JLC MEDIA by my writing immediately. And set to work to hear the good news that will change my life for good.

    Soon, the introduction prayers was said by one of the members of the people that had an account with the bank. And then the man whose story will touch my life for good came on board. His name is Dr. Nwuche. A real child of God. A motivator, a business owner and a believer.

    He told about Nigerians in Ghana, and how they lived their lives. "I happened to be in a wedding occasion and the couple were dancing and Nigerians were throwing money everywhere and the big basket was filled with money. They were displaying the mentality of the illiterates and had no knowledge of what they are doing to themselves. Living I Ghana is a good one. He has been called to many presentation to and fro the world. I have an occasion where I wanted to pay for house rent to Ghana landlord and on hearing Nigeria, he was angry. So I proved to the that Nigeria is not bad after all by giving them an app that will motives them to greatness"

    These words I still remembered and it echoed in my heart. My desire for the things of God, is a blessing that what I see I'm the hall motivate me towards greatness. I shall soon start and make a change all for the good of mankind.

    Two sessions was taught by my mentor, they are why do we do business and how do we make our business profitable? When he is through we had breakfast of water, kola, breadfruit, and then the next motivator came, to tell us why we should pay our tithes. It is from there that we were given the ledger to make our small business better. I am already making good use of it. I am producing all round results in life. His name is Dr. Okereke. He corrected an error by saying that Nigerians are special. I loved my motivator for he was a professional in my field, in the write and publish factory. Soon, the question time came and gone.

    I heard fro the manager how good it is to be sponsored to start your business, I prayed that the next sponsor to help me start a 20 Page paper publication to be sold 100 naira. And I need 70,000 to run a state distribution. And extra 70,000 for continuity. I believed that with it I can get all the adverts that the paper ever needs.

    One, of the participants who knew about me and my books asked me "shall we wait for two thousand years for a leader or a Messiah?" I did not waste time I'm replying, "no, we have Fidelity Bank. Get your own account... Fidelity Small Business Account, Now and enjoy a bank that keeps their words"

    You should imagine what I looked like ad I poss like Mighty Sparrow, as I was having my Launch. IIT is incredible words that were kept. Will you keep the words you said to the people? Think about it...

    The manager of the bank at stockbroker office and other managers, looked at my JLC MEDIA complimentary card and saw my logo "you shall testify" and starts sharing the the testimonies that they kept with the people they loved. Don't wait any longer, to get your Fidelity Small Business Account, and be like me, testifying everywhere.

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